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Currently reading

The Little Android
Marissa Meyer
How to Read a Book: The Classic Guide to Intelligent Reading
Mortimer J. Adler, Charles Van Doren
The Gene: An Intimate History
Siddhartha Mukherjee
A Clash of Kings
George R.R. Martin
Клетниците: част първа - трета (Избрани произведения в пет тома, #1
Victor Hugo

The Stepford Wives

The Stepford Wives - Ira Levin I really enjoyed this one and how casually creepy it was. The author was a master at weaving a story, which meant I was never bored, and the book raised many problems that I've struggled with myself: how defenceless I can be against physical strength, how there are times when nobody believes me/cares even about things that turned out to be right... Plus, there was an asexuality mention, which made my day! All in all, I definitely recommend this one.